Pork Suppliers



hogs purchased


family farm partners


paid to family farm partners

Pilgrim's Tulip


hogs purchased


family farm partners


paid to family farm partners

JBS Australia


hogs purchased


producer partners


paid to family farm partners

In 2019, our U.S. based business purchased more than 24.8 million hogs from approximately 750 family farmers for $3.6 billion to supply our five U.S. pork production facilities. Approximately 14% of our total hog supply in the U.S. is sourced from our own live pork business unit. Pilgrim’s Tulip sourced more than 2.9 million hogs from 930 family farm partners and paid them more than $351.7 million. Approximately 50% of our hogs are sourced from our integrated supply chain. In Australia, we purchased 134,000 hogs from 12 independent farmers for $20 million.

In the U.S., we require all family farm partners supplying hogs to our facilities to be certified in accordance with the Pork Quality Assurance Plus (PQA+) Program. We conduct third party audits of select partners according to the PAACO-certified Common Swine Industry Audit. We also conduct internal animal welfare audits on a specific subsect of our suppliers.

Hogs for sale in Australia must be tagged with an approved NLIS device. The National Vendor Declaration (NVD) is the main document that upholds the Australian meat and livestock food-safety reputation and product traceability. In signing the NVD, the producer declares compliance with the Livestock Producer Assurance (LPA) program, an independently audited on-farm food-safety certification. The NVD contains important information on the husbandry of livestock consigned for harvest. In addition, before livestock leave their farm of birth, they must be tagged with an approved National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) device.

This allows animal movements to be recorded in a national database and provides the assurance of livestock trace-back to the property of birth and trace-forward from the property of birth. All hogs are sourced from Australia Pork Industry Quality Assurance Program (APIQ) accredited farms, maintaining industry best-practice animal welfare standards.

Our Pilgrim’s Moy Park Business purchases pork for further processing from approved suppliers who are audited annually for compliance with our food safety and animal welfare standards.

Our Tulip hogs are raised in accordance with the Royal Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), the Red Tractor or the Quality Meat Scotland (QMS) standards. Certification and third-party audits according to these standards are required to sell hogs to Tulip production facilities. In a privately commissioned, standalone assessment Tulip was awarded the highest rating, Tier 1, for its animal welfare standards within the Business Benchmark on Farm Animal Welfare (BBFAW) category. In addition, Tulip is a signatory to the Cerrado Manifesto, and a member of the UK Roundtable for Sustainable Soy. Finally, soya sourced to feed Tulip-owned, high welfare pigs is certified by the Roundtable for Responsible Soy.

JBS USA Pork serves a broad customer base that requires diverse types of pork products. To fulfill these requests, we have branded pork programs that have varying requirements and certifications to meet our compliance standards.

Branded Pork Program Requirements

Programs Program Requirements
  • Hogs have never received growth promotants of any kind
  • Hogs have never been administered antibiotics
  • Hogs have never been fed ractopamine
  • Hogs were born and raised in the U.S.
  • RSCPA Assured
  • Outdoor bred
  • High welfare
  • Hogs born and raised in the UK
  • Hogs have never received growth promotants of any kind
  • Ranked Tier 1 in an independent assessment by BBFAW
  • Hogs diets formulated to reduce Soya
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